CRC Crick 120 – Penetrant

CRC Crick 120 – Penetrant

Red water washable penetrant for non-destructive testing of metal surfaces. It can penetrate the smallest crack within 10-20 minutes. Excess penetrant should be washed off before using a flawfinder developer (CRICK 130).

Aerosol 500ml

Product Code Designation

CRC Crick 120 - Penetrant 500ml

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    Statek Serwis PHU

    Sławomir Wolski

    ul. Gdańska 36, 70-952 Szczecin
    NIP: 8510005495

    tel.: +48 91 46 23 424

    Sławomir Wolski
    tel.: +48 607 456 500

    Dominik Balul
    tel.: +48 607 456 503

    tel.: +48 607 456 501

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